Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):
M. Schmidt, S. Klettner, R. Steinmann, E. Häusler, Y. Lin:
"Those 3% female OpenStreetMap mappers...";
Talk: State of the Map 2013,
- 09-08-2013.
English abstract:
This presentation covers the key research findings from the project 'Fostering the participation of women in Voluntary Geographical Information (VGI) - encouraging FEMales to MAP' (Fem2Map). Funded by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) within the structural research programme FEMtech-fFORTE, this project employed mixed methods to study the behaviours and attitudes of female contributors in VGI (and specifically the OpenStreetMap community) which in turn informed the research to identify barriers to participation and draw a mitigation plan. The presentation will enrich our understanding of women's participation in OpenStreetMap and renew the discussion about how to engage women in VGI.
OpenStreetMap, Volunteered Geographic Information, Gender
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.