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Publication list for
Manuela Schmidt
E120 - Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation
as author or essentially involved person

86 records (2009 - 2022)

Books and Book Editorships

  1. M. Schmidt, G. Gartner (ed.):
    "Proceedings of the 1st European State of the Map";
    Forschungsgruppe Kartographie, Wien, 2011, 171 pages.

Publications in Scientific Journals

  1. G. Gartner, M. Schmidt:
    "Moderne Kartographie - Technologische Entwicklungen und Implikationen";
    Kartographische Nachrichten (invited), 6 (2010), 299 - 305.

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  2. F. Ortag, M. Schmidt:
    "Verortung von Nutzern und Inhalten im Web";
    HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (invited), 276 (2010), 19 - 28.

  3. E. Simonne-Dombovari, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Kartenanwendungen im Web";
    HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (invited), 276 (2010), 59 - 67.

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  4. G. Gartner, H. Huang, A. Millonig, M. Schmidt, F. Ortag:
    "Human-centred Mobile Pedestrian Navigation Systems";
    Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 153 (2011), 237 - 250.

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  5. F. Ortag, M. Schmidt:
    "Geosoziale Netzwerke - Ubiquitäre Geoinformation im Web 2.0?";
    Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie (invited), 20 (2011), 73 - 78.

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  6. R. Steinmann, E. Häusler, M. Schmidt, K. Rehrl, G. Gartner:
    "Gendersensitive Routenplanung für Fußgänger im urbanen Umfeld";
    Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 153 (2011), 251 - 272.

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  7. H. Huang, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Mobile Maps, Augmented Reality and Voice in the Context of GPS-based Pedestrian Navigation: Results from a Field Test";
    Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 39 (2012), 2; 107 - 116.

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  8. S. Klettner, H. Huang, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Crowdsourcing Affective Responses to Space";
    Kartographische Nachrichten (invited), 2/3 (2013), 66 - 72.

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  9. H. Huang, S. Klettner, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner, S. Leitinger, A. Wagner, R. Steinmann:
    "AffectRoute - Considering peopleīs affective responses to environments for enhancing route planning services";
    International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28 (2014), 2456 - 2473.

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  10. J. Behrens, C. van Elzakker, M. Schmidt:
    "Testing the Usability of OpenStreetMapīs iD Tool";
    Cartographic Journal, 2 (2015), 1 - 9.

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  11. M. Riegler, M. Wenk, E. Aufhauser, F. Ledermann, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "genderATlas Österreich - Entwicklung eines zielgruppenorientierten Online-Tools";
    Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 157 (2015), 323 - 339.

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  12. M. Stögerer, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Einfluss von Interpretationshilfen auf die Benutzung von komplexen interaktiven thematischen Karten";
    Kartographische Nachrichten, 6 (2015), 341 - 347.

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  13. F. Ledermann, M. Schmidt:
    "Wiens Straßennamen";
    UND - Heft für Alternativen, Widersprüche und Konkretes, 10 (2021), 26 - 27.

Contributions to Books

  1. H. Huang, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Spatial Knowledge Acquisition in the Context of GPS-Based Pedestrian Navigation";
    in: "Maps For The Future", Springer Verlag, 2012, 127 - 137.

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  2. S. Klettner, M. Schmidt:
    "Visualisierung von Emotionen im Raum";
    in: "Kartographisches Denken", C. Reder (ed.); Springer, Wien, 2012, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-7091-0994-6, 398 - 399.

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  3. M. Schmidt, P. Weiser:
    "Web Mapping Services: Development and Trends. Online Maps with APIs and WebServices";
    in: "Online Maps with APIs and WebServices", issued by: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography; Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-27484-8, 13 - 22.

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  4. S. Klettner, H. Huang, M. Schmidt, F. Ortag, G. Gartner:
    "Smart citizens - the potential of humans in smart cities";
    in: "Smart City - Viennese Expertise based on Science and Research", H. Widmann (ed.); Schmid-Verlag, Wien, 2013, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-900607-51-7, 194 - 199.

  5. S. Klettner, H. Huang, M. Schmidt, F. Ortag, G. Gartner:
    "Smart Citizens: Potenzial Mensch in Smart Cities";
    in: "Smart City - Wiener Know-How aus Wissenschaft und Forschung", H. Widmann (ed.); Schmid-Verlag, Wien, 2013, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-900607-50-0, 205 - 211.

  6. F. Ortag, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Web-Based Wayfinding";
    in: "The History of Cartography, Volume 6: Cartography in the Twentieth Century", M. Monmonier (ed.); The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2015, (invited), ISBN: 9780226534695, 1739 - 1741.

  7. M. Schmidt:
    "Kartenservices - Haben Sie heute schon eine Karte benutzt?";
    in: "Das neue Arbeiten im Netz", issued by: Meral Akin Hecke, David Röthler; edition mono/monochrom, Wien, 2015, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-902796-27-1, 59 - 61.

  8. F. Ledermann, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner, E. Aufhauser, S. Békési:
    "Gendergerechtigkeit im Straßenbild?";
    in: "Wien von oben - Die Stadt auf einen Blick", S. Békési, E. Doppler (ed.); issued by: Wien Museum; Metroverlag, Wien, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-99300-303-6, 221.

  9. F. Ledermann, M. Schmidt, M. Riegler, E. Aufhauser:
    "Street Names and Gender in Vienna (Map)";
    in: "This is not an Altas - A global collection of counter cartographies", kollektiv orangotango+ (ed.); transcript, Bielefeld, Germany, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-8376-4519-4, 294 - 295.

Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry)

  1. M. Schmidt:
    "Map Making for Cartographers";
    Talk: ICA Symposium on Cartography for Central and Eastern Europe, Wien; 02-16-2009 - 02-17-2009; in: "Proceedings of the First ICA Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe 2009, Vienna University of Technology, 2009", G. Gartner, F. Ortag (ed.); (2009), 3 pages.

  2. H. Huang, G. Gartner, M. Schmidt, Y. Li:
    "Smart Environment for Ubiquitous Indoor Navigation";
    Talk: 2009 International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science, Beijing, China; 06-30-2009 - 07-02-2009; in: "Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science", IEEE Computer Society, (2009), ISBN: 978-0-7695-3687-3; 5 pages.

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  3. M. Schmidt:
    "User Interface Design and Cartographic Quality in Contemporary Web Mapping";
    Talk: openSolarCA'09, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (invited); 08-24-2009 - 08-26-2009; in: "openSolarCA'09 Workbook", G. Ahamer, R. Prüller, J. Scholz, C. Strauß (ed.); Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, (2009), ISBN: 978-3-85125-067-1; 207 - 224.

  4. G. Gartner, H. Huang, M. Schmidt:
    "Smart Environment for Ubiquitous Indoor Navigation";
    Talk: 24th International Cartographic Conference, Santiago, Chile; 11-15-2009 - 11-21-2009; in: "The Worldīs Geo-Spatial Solutions", (2009), ISBN: 978-1-907075-02-5; 10 pages.

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  5. M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Decision Support Tool for Web-Based Thematic Mapping";
    Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Wien; 04-07-2010 - 04-09-2010; in: "Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2010", H. Kaiser, R. Kirner (ed.); TU Wien, Wien (2010), ISBN: 9783200017979; 295 - 296.

  6. E. Häusler, R. Steinmann, G. Gartner, M. Schmidt:
    "The FEMroute Project - A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Route Planning Systems for Pedestrians";
    Keynote Lecture: 7th International Symposium on Location Based Services & TeleCartography, Guangzhou, China; 09-19-2010 - 09-22-2010; in: "Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Location Based Services & TeleCartography", G. Gartner, Y. Li (ed.); (2010), 124 - 128.

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  7. H. Huang, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Comparison of Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Different Presentation Forms in the Context of GPS-based Pedestrian Navigation";
    Talk: GeoViz_Hamburg 2011 Workshop, Hamburg, Germany; 03-10-2011 - 03-11-2011; in: "Proceedings of GeoViz_Hamburg 2011 Workshop", (2011).

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  8. M. Schmidt, P. Neis:
    "OpenStreetMap in der Forschung?";
    Talk: FOSSGIS 2011, Heidelberg; 04-05-2011 - 04-07-2011; in: "Anwenderkonferenz für Freie und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme", (2011), ISBN: 978-3-00-034124-3; 27 - 29.

  9. G. Gartner, H. Huang, M. Schmidt:
    "Comparison of spatial knowledge acquisition in the context of GPS-based pedestrian navigation";
    Talk: Joint ICA Symposium Maps for the Future, Orleans, France; 06-30-2011 - 07-01-2011; in: "Proceedings of Joint ICA Symposium, Orleans 2011", (2011), 7 pages.

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  10. J. Reyes Nunez, I. Klinghammer, A. Rohonczi, E. Simonne-Dombovari, G. Gartner, M. Schmidt:
    "Further Research on Chernoff faces - A survey in Hungary and Austria";
    Poster: 25th International Cartographic Conference ICC, Paris; 07-03-2011 - 07-08-2011; in: "Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference", Paris (2011), ISBN: 978-1-907075-05-6; Paper ID Paper-Nr. P-111, 1 pages.

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  11. M. Schmidt, G. Gartner, R. Steinmann, E. Häusler:
    "Defining Psychological Route Qualities to Enhance Pedestrian Route Planning";
    Talk: 25th International Cartographic Conference ICC, Paris; 07-03-2011 - 07-08-2011; in: "Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference", Paris (2011), ISBN: 978-1-907075-05-6; Paper ID CO-127, 5 pages.

  12. E. Häusler, R. Steinmann, M. Schmidt:
    "Gendersensitive Routenauswahl für FußgängerInnen";
    Talk: AGIT 2011, Salzburg; 07-06-2011 - 07-08-2011; in: "Angewandte Geoinformatik 2011. Beiträge zum 23. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg", Wichmann, (2011), ISBN: 978-3-87907-508-9; 357 - 362.

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  13. S. Leitinger, E. Steiger, M. Schmidt, K. Rehrl, S. Krampe, R. Steinmann, M. Weber:
    "Augmented Reality, sprachbasierte Navigation und digitale Karte - Fußgängernavigation unter Verwendung von OpenStreetMap";
    Talk: AGIT 2011, Salzburg; 07-06-2011 - 07-08-2011; in: "Angewandte Geoinformatik 2011. Beiträge zum 23. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg", Wichmann, (2011), ISBN: 978-3-87907-508-9; 164 - 169.

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  14. S. Klettner, M. Schmidt:
    "Emotionen zum Raum und deren Berücksichtigung in Navigationssystemen für FußgängerInnen (Projekt EmoMap)";
    Talk: 5. Österreichische FußgängerInnen-Fachkonferenz 2011, Salzburg (invited); 11-10-2011 - 11-11-2011; in: "Tagungsdokumentation zur 5. Österreichischen FußgängerInnen-Fachkonferenz", D. Schwab, M. Strasser (ed.); (2011), 17 - 18.

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  15. S. Klettner, H. Huang, M. Schmidt:
    "EmoMap - Considering Emotional Responses to Space for Enhancing LBS";
    Talk: 8th International Symposium on Location-Based Services LBS 2011, Vienna (invited); 11-21-2011 - 11-23-2011; in: "8th International Symposium on Location-Based Services LBS 2011", (2011), 4 pages.

  16. G. Gartner, M. Schmidt:
    "Moderne Kartographie - Technologische Entwicklungen und Implikationen";
    Talk: 11. Österreichischer Geodätentag, Velden, Austria (invited); 05-08-2012 - 05-10-2012; in: "Österr. Zeitschrift für Vermessung und Geoinformation VGI", 1 (2012), ISSN: 1605-1653; 53 - 60.

  17. E. Simonne-Dombovari, J. Reyes Nunez, G. Gartner, M. Schmidt, A. Rohonczi:
    "Chernoff Faces as an alternative method of representation in schools: Austrian-Hungarian survey";
    Talk: 4th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Albena, Bulgarien (invited); 06-18-2012 - 06-22-2012; in: "Proceedings Vol. 1", T. Bandrova, M. Konecny, G. Zhelezov (ed.); (2012), ISSN: 1314-0604; 12 pages.

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  18. S. Klettner, M. Schmidt, H. Huang:
    "Emotions and Affective Qualities Experienced in Urban Space";
    Talk: IAPS 22 Human Experience in the Natural and Built Environment: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice, Glasgow; 06-24-2012 - 06-29-2012; in: "Proceedings IAPS 22", (2012), ISBN: 978-0-94-764988-3; 145 - 146.

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  19. H. Huang, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Evaluating three interface technologies in assisting pedestrians' spatial knowledge acquisition";
    Talk: XXII ISPRS Congress, Melbourne; 08-25-2012 - 09-01-2012; in: "Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci.", XXXIX-B2 (2012), 3 pages.

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  20. M. Schmidt, W. Jörg:
    "basemap.at - Creating a Harmonised Web Base Map for Austria";
    Talk: Symposium on Service-Oriented Mapping SOMAP, Wien; 11-22-2012 - 11-23-2012; in: "Service-Oriented Mapping 2012", JOBSTMedia Präsentation Management Verlag, (2012), ISBN: 3-9502039-2-3; 143 - 150.

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  21. S. Klettner, M. Schmidt, R. Steinmann:
    "Barrieren und Motivatoren von VGI-Projekten aus Gender-Perspektive";
    Talk: 18. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar Geoinformationssysteme, München (invited); 04-08-2013 - 04-11-2013; in: "Geoinformationssysteme 2013", Wichmann, (2013), ISBN: 978-3-87907-508-9; 217 - 226.

  22. M. Schmidt, S. Klettner:
    "Gender and Experience-Related Motivators for Contributing to OSM";
    Talk: International Workshop on Action and Interaction in Volunteered Geographic Information (ACTIVITY) at the 16th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Leuven (invited); 05-14-2013; in: "Online proceedings of the ACTIVITY workshop", (2013), 4 pages.

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  23. M. Schmidt, S. Klettner:
    "Frauen in OpenStreetMap. Oder: Vielfältigere Gruppen für OSM begeistern.";
    Talk: FOSSGIS 2013, Rapperswil; 06-12-2013 - 06-14-2013; in: "Anwenderkonferenz für Freie und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme", FOSSGIS e.V. (ed.); (2013), 55 - 57.

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  24. R. Steinmann, E. Häusler, S. Klettner, M. Schmidt, Y. Lin:
    "Gender dimensions in UGC and VGI - a desk-based study";
    Talk: AGIT 2013, Salzburg; 07-02-2013 - 07-05-2013; in: "Angewandte Geoinformatik 2013", Wichmann, (2013), ISBN: 978-3-87907-533-1; 355 - 364.

  25. S. Klettner, H. Huang, M. Schmidt, G. Gartner:
    "Acquisition and Cartographic Applications of Subjective Geodata";
    Talk: 26th International Cartographic Conference ICC, Dresden, Germany; 08-25-2013 - 08-30-2013; in: "Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference", (2013), ISBN: 978-1-907075-06-3; Paper ID 652.

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  26. M. Schmidt, W. Jörg, G. Gartner:
    "Challenges in creating web base maps from distributed datasets";
    Talk: 26th International Cartographic Conference ICC, Dresden; 08-25-2013 - 08-30-2013; in: "Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference", (2013), ISBN: 978-1-907075-06-3; 1 pages.

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  27. M. Schmidt, S. Klettner, R. Steinmann:
    "Barriers for Contributing to VGI Projects";
    Poster: 26th International Cartographic Conference ICC, Dresden; 08-25-2013 - 08-30-2013; in: "Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference", (2013), ISBN: 978-1-907075-06-3; 7 pages.

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  28. E. Simonne-Dombovari, J. Reyes Nunez, G. Gartner, M. Schmidt, A. Rohonczi:
    "Austrian-Hungarian Survey on Chernoff Faces: an Alternative Method of Representation in School Cartography";
    Poster: 26th International Cartographic Conference ICC, Dresden; 08-25-2013 - 08-30-2013; in: "Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference", (2013), ISBN: 978-1-907075-06-3; 3 pages.

  29. H. Huang, G. Gartner, S. Klettner, M. Schmidt:
    "Considering Affective Responses towards Environments for Enhancing Location Based Services";
    Talk: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the ISPRS, Working Group VI/3, Suzhou, China; 05-14-2014 - 05-16-2014; in: "ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium", ISPRS, XL-4 (2014), 4 pages.

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  30. C. Voigt, S. Dobner, M. Schmidt:
    "Collaborative Mapping and the Reliability of Volunteered Data";
    Talk: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications COLLA 2016, Barcelona; 11-13-2016 - 11-17-2016; in: "Proceedings of COLLA 2016", (2016), 8 pages.

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  31. F. Klute, G. Li, R. Löffler, M. Nöllenburg, M. Schmidt:
    "Exploring Semi-Automatic Map Labeling";
    Talk: ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances in geographic information systems, Chicago, USA; 11-05-2019 - 11-08-2019; in: "Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems", (2019), ISBN: 978-1-4503-6909-1; 13 - 22.

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  32. G. Gartner, A. Binn, J. Gabela, G. Retscher, V. Gikas, M. Schmidt, W. Wang:
    "From project-based to problem-based learning in engineering disciplines: enhancing Cartography and Geomatics education";
    Talk: 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAdī22), Valencia, Spain; 06-14-2022 - 06-17-2022; in: "Eighth International Conference on Higher Education Advances", (2022), ISSN: 2603-5871; 423 - 430.

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Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry)

  1. M. Schmidt:
    "FEMroute: Gender-specific requirements in pedestrian route navigation";
    Talk: State of the Map 2010, Girona, Spanien; 07-09-2010 - 07-11-2010.

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  2. M. Schmidt, W. Cartwright:
    "Practical Introduction to WebMapping 2.0";
    Talk: WebGIS/Mapping Workshop, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (invited); 07-26-2010 - 07-30-2010.

  3. M. Schmidt, W. Cartwright:
    "Practical Introduction to WebMapping 2.0";
    Talk: Digital Cartography Workshop, Cibinong, Indonesien (invited); 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

  4. F. Ortag, M. Schmidt:
    "Geosoziale Netzwerke";
    Talk: VoGIS Fachforum 2010, Feldkirch (invited); 11-11-2010.

  5. M. Schmidt:
    "Short Introduction to WebMapping 2.0";
    Talk: Chernoff Faces Hungary/Austria Exchange, Budapest, Ungarn (invited); 11-16-2010.

  6. M. Schmidt:
    "FEMroute / Berufsbild Kartographin";
    Talk: ENTER Cartography, Wien (invited); 11-21-2010.

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  7. M. Schmidt, R. Steinmann:
    "OpenStreetMap - Nutzung von User-GeneratedContent am Beispiel von FEMroute";
    Talk: Neue Technologien für die Raumplanung, Wien (invited); 11-23-2010.

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  8. G. Gartner, F. Ortag, M. Schmidt:
    "Open Emotional Map";
    Keynote Lecture: Understanding Different Geographies, Puchberg (invited); 01-31-2011 - 02-03-2011.

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  9. M. Schmidt:
    "OpenStreetMap als Werkzeug und Forschungsobjekt";
    Talk: Forum GI, Universität Osnabrück (invited); 05-03-2011.

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  10. M. Schmidt, F. Ortag, S. Klettner:
    "OpenEmotionMap - Über die räumliche Erfassung von Emotionen";
    Talk: 59. Deutscher Kartographentag und INTERGEO 2011, Nürnberg (invited); 09-27-2011 - 09-29-2011.

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  11. M. Schmidt:
    "Kartographie - quo vadis? Von FußgängerInnen-Navigation zum Kartieren von Emotionen.";
    Talk: HighHeels@HighEnd-Frauen in der Technik, Wien (invited); 10-13-2011.

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  12. M. Schmidt, S. Klettner, R. Steinmann, E. Häusler:
    "The Impact of the Contributor in VGI Projects";
    Talk: Workshop on Map Creation From User Generated Data, Hannover; 10-08-2012.

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  13. M. Schmidt:
    "basemap.at - Erstellung einer harmonisierten Webgrundkarte für Österreich";
    Talk: SynerGIS 2012 | Esri-Anwenderkonferenz in Österreich, Alpbach; 10-22-2012 - 10-24-2012.

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  14. M. Schmidt, S. Klettner:
    "OpenStreetMap @femcamp13";
    Talk: FemCamp 2013, Wien; 03-16-2013.

  15. R. Steinmann, E. Häusler, S. Klettner, M. Schmidt:
    "Gender und Maps";
    Talk: Digital:Earth 2013, Salzburg (invited); 04-03-2013 - 04-05-2013.

  16. M. Schmidt:
    "Die Genderdimension von OSM";
    Talk: OSM-Workshop: OpenStreetMap in geopolitischen Konfliktsituationen, Erlangen (invited); 07-19-2013.

  17. M. Schmidt, S. Klettner, R. Steinmann, E. Häusler, Y. Lin:
    "Those 3% female OpenStreetMap mappers...";
    Talk: State of the Map 2013, Birmingham; 09-06-2013 - 09-08-2013.

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  18. M. Schmidt:
    "Volunteered Geographic Information - why your voice is needed, too!";
    Talk: Women Techmakers Vienna, Wien (invited); 03-15-2014.

  19. M. Schmidt:
    "Fokusgruppen - "Research theater" oder geeignete Methode der NutzerInnen-zentrierten Kartographie?";
    Talk: Nachwuchswissenschaftler-Workshop Anwendung empirischer Methoden in der Kartographie, Hamburg, Deutschland; 03-26-2014.

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  20. H. Huang, G. Gartner, S. Klettner, M. Schmidt:
    "Considering Affective Responses towards Environments for Enhancing Location Based Services";
    Talk: GIScience 2014, Wien (invited); 09-23-2014 - 09-26-2014.

  21. M. Schmidt:
    "NutzerInnen-zentrierte Ansätze zur Konzeptionierung moderner Online-Atlanten";
    Talk: Vortragsveranstaltung der Sektion Rhein-Ruhr der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kartographie e.V., Bochum, Deutschland (invited); 11-13-2014.

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  22. M. Wenk, M. Riegler, E. Aufhauser, F. Ledermann, M. Schmidt:
    "Ein genderATlas für Österreich - Entwicklung eines Online Prototypen";
    Poster: AGIT 2015, Salzburg; 07-08-2015 - 07-10-2015.

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  23. J. Behrens, C. van Elzakker, M. Schmidt:
    "Testing the Usability of OpenStreetMapīs iD Tool";
    Talk: 27th International Cartographic Conference ICC2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 08-23-2015 - 08-28-2015.

  24. R. Krammer, G. Gartner, M. Schmidt:
    "Selected analyzation of quality of OSM data in alpine space";
    Talk: 27th International Cartographic Conference ICC2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 08-23-2015 - 08-28-2015.

  25. M. Schmidt, F. Ledermann, G. Gartner:
    "genderATlas - An online atlas for visualizing gender-relevant data for Austria";
    Poster: 27th International Cartographic Conference ICC2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 08-23-2015 - 08-28-2015.

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Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised)

  1. M. Schmidt:
    "Konzepte webbasierter Technologien zur Präsentation thematischer Karten: Entwicklung eines Decision Support Tools zur Findung eines geeigneten Konzeptes";
    Supervisor: R. Buzin, G. Gartner; Institut für Geoinformation und Kartographie, 127/2, 2009.

  2. M. Mayr:
    "A Web-Based System for Comparative Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data by the Use of CouchDB";
    Supervisor: G. Gartner, M. Schmidt; Institut für Geoinformation und Kartographie, 2012; final examination: 11-19-2012.

  3. H. Cerny:
    "Aneignung räumlichen Wissens durch aktive Auseinandersetzung mit Landmarks in einem Location-based Game";
    Supervisor: G. Gartner, M. Schmidt; Department für Geodäsie und Geoinformation, FG Kartographie, 2013; final examination: 11-18-2013.

  4. J. Behrens:
    "Testing the Usability of OpenStreet Mapīs iD Tool";
    Supervisor: G. Gartner, C. van Elzakker, M. Schmidt; Department for Geodäsie und Geoinformation, FG Kartographie, 2014; final examination: 08-21-2014.

  5. R. Krammer:
    "Ausgewählte Analyse der Qualität von OSM Daten im alpinen Raum";
    Supervisor: G. Gartner, M. Schmidt; Department for Geodäsie und Geoinformation, FG Kartographie, 2014; final examination: 11-24-2014.

  6. M. Stögerer:
    "Einfluss von Interpretationshilfen auf die Benützung von komplexen interaktiven thematischen Karten";
    Supervisor: G. Gartner, M. Schmidt; Department for Geodäsie und Geoinformation, FG Kartographie, 2015; final examination: 04-21-2015.

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