Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
T. Mistelbauer, M. Enenkel, W. Wagner:
"POETS - Python Open Earth Observation Tools";
Poster: GIScience 2014,
- 2014-09-26; in: "Extended Abstract Proceedings of the GIScience 2014",
GeoInfo Series,
ISBN: 978-3-901716-42-3;
3 pages.
English abstract:
While datasets obtained via satellite-based sensors can be powerful, their use in operational applications is still often quite limited. Different data formats, grids, temporal and spatial resolutions, etc. complicate the exploitation of information for many end users. Consequently, the full potential of earth observation is far from being fully exploited. The Python Open Earth Observation Tools (POETS) are a user-friendly open-source toolbox that is capable of accessing, analysing, processing and storing various datasets. It is programmed in Python and allows the integration of individual modules for different users. An example for such a module might be the combination of datasets on rainfall, temperature and soil moisture for a combined drought indicator. Therefore, POETS needs to be capable of handling both historical and near real-time datasets that can be displayed as time series or corresponding images. Instead of visualizing pre-processed illustrations every output is processed on-the-fly. This way disk space can be saved. Users can either access the toolbox from a stand-alone PC or via mobile applications. Pre-configured modules will be available. However, users can also develop their own packages or collaborate with researchers to create more advanced solutions for individual requirements.
earth observation, python
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.